Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Critters - Mr Dieingly Sad

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The Critters - "Mr. Dieingly Sad"

A guitar player (Larry) in one of the many of my garage bands that came together and fell apart during the years from about 1966 through 1980, introduced me to this song. We sat on the floor in his sister's bedroom, window shades blowing with the summer breeze, hot as hell, and listened to this single (recordings were once actually etched into vinyl!) on his sister's stereo system. We listened to it twice...maybe three times. I think the objective was to learn the song and to add it to our repertoire -- but we never did. I learned it note for note, and word for word, but we never did it as a band because it felt "sacreligious" to me.

I was so taken by this song, that I could barely breathe at the thought of it. The Critters sounded like angels -- looking back now, I don't think that I believed I had earned the right to play the song with my own band. It was too beautiful; I didn't want to profane it with my ugliness and awkwardness.

I still love this song. It reminds me of a time when I was very new at life, and when the world still had so much mystery. A time when things were sacred - to be adored from afar, but not to be touched, by hands unworthy, whose clumsiness (despite all of the best intentions) could cause something beautiful and fragile to fall into a million shards.

Enjoy this!

Radio DAZZ: Produced by Douglas Castle
Douglas Castle
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