Saturday, May 1, 2010

WAR - Slippin' Into Darkness (with a Ray, Goodman and Brown Bonus)

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This is the full-length album version of War's funkiest song. Amazing instrumentation -- go-to-church organ, drums, tambourine, bass, soulful harmonica riffs (sometimes doubled with sax for an amazingly distinctive sound), trebled-out, single-note guitar. Toward the end (if you're a musician, friend), notice the minor sixth chord which complements the vocals on the way out.

"Slippin' Into Darkness." Most crushingly heartfelt lyrical line - and it still gives me goosebumps -'Take my mind/beyond the trees'. I shivered as I wrote that...

This LA 70's band had a collection of hits with Cisco Kid, Low RiderAll Day Music, The World is a Ghetto, Why Can't we be Friends? and others. They created and owned a powerful and unique sound based upon 1) a very unusual instrumentation; 2) smart-aleky lyrics with instrumental musical riffs playing a conversational counterpoint, and; 3) very straight-ahead drumbeats. Simple singing in informal unison, occasionally breaking out into harmonies (the technique reminds me a bit of Ray, Goodman and Brown's a capella beginning when they performed "She Must Be a Special Lady." - they did a wonderful job of breaking from informal unison out into sweet, rich harmony. [By the way, I have a link to that song after "Slippin'...."]

Click on either the hyperlink or the video player to enjoy some War. I have only listened to the rest of the lyrics to the song. You may find, as I have, that there is an incredibly frightening story there. Relax. Let the music take your mind (with apologies to Smokey Robinson...)

And, as promised, the Ray, Goodman and Brown selection -- "She Must Be a Special Lady."

NOTE: Listen to the beginning, as they break from finger-poppin' unison into rich harmony. Enjoy the song. At the end, they fall back into their signature a capella, and give bring the song right back around to the beginning. It's a great effect.


Radio DAZZ: Produced by Douglas Castle

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