Monday, January 10, 2011

You Ain't Messing With TNNWC or GIST VIDEO - A RadioDAZZ Double

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This Is RadioDAZZ

Yes. This is a RadioDAZZ music break for de-stressing, re-energizing, and refreshing those creative juices. It contains two songs selected by none other than Mr. Mark H. Blankenship of TNNWC Group and GIST VIDEO. Mark just can't get enough of these songs -- they are sacred to him. It mentions them daily...not unlike a mantra.

Take a moment (or two) to listen to the each of these two fine musical selections. The first one (from 1968) will knock your socks off, stimulate dopamine and epinephrine production, accelerate your metabolism and make you want to go out and buy duct tape and sharp tools..

The second, a beautiful, famous work by Billy Joel (my former limo driver), will calm you down... so much so that you'll leave your machine gun at home when reporting for your job at the U.S. Postal Service. It will put you into an alpha state; the brainwave frequency setting most conducive to imagination, imagery and creativity. You may want to spray paint something personal, yet cute, about an old lover on a restroom stall in a large public place which is well-travelled.

Listen. 'Tis all I can ask. The first one will rile your bile. The second will calm you down so delightfully you may want to purchase a fine bouquet of flowers for your boss, or an old school principal, or a kindly priest (if he hasn't been on the Vatican's "Rotational Protection Program".

Lastly, please read the important message from GIST VIDEO at the end of this post. It's at the bottom, where fellows like Mr. Blankenship usually like to go fishing.

Remember to visit RadioDAZZ daily at , and to make us a FAVORITE. If you scroll around on the site, there's even a time machine jukebox. No foolin'.

Click on each of the hyperlinks or video players (if they decide to appear on your screen) below to enjoy some (honestly) wonderful music. I swear. Constantly.


The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - "Fire"
Billy Joel - "She's Always A Woman To Me"

Radio DAZZ at
Produced by Douglas Castle

If the picture below is causing you eye strain, just click on it for a "big as life" version.

GIST VIDEO gets them to "YES." Click on to learn more. If that's too much too ask, you may also click on . This last one sounds like a Stephen King story. It does to me. "WHEN THE COMMITTEE DOESN'T HAVE TIME FOR A SLIDE SHOW OR A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION" -- Just the GIST, ma'am. Short. Sweet. Perfect.

Douglas Castle -
Background, Blogs and Sites

Hey, DAZZ!
Get My Music Out There.

POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO AN AUDIENCE OF MILLIONS! If you have a downloadable audio or audio/video (YouTube, for example) recording either one of your live performances, or of an album or demonstration recording ( a sampler) that you'd like to get exposed to millions, Radio DAZZ wants to help put your music out there. We have loads of established platforms, venues and media distribution channels. Simply click on the button (either above or below), fill-in the pop-up form, submit it, and we’ll do the rest. If you’re good, everyone will know it. Everywhere.

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