Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Left Banke - "Walk Away Renee."

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British. Nasal. Beautiful, sweet vocal harmony. Moody song, with beautiful string section counterpoint harmony, tangy harpsicord. A mournful, pre-goth classic lamentation about lost love that has a permanent place in my heart, and in the hearts of many of us who were growing up in the USA during a time of unlimited potential and infinite dreams -- of craving a kiss, or the chance to hold slightly sweaty hands. If you really liked a girl ("Liked!"), you would ask if you could carry her books for her and feel like a conquering soldier as you walked nobly through the halls at school...with her at your side. Ah, to be a hero again...

"Walk Away Renee." Enjoy this wonderfully musical, richly orchestrated mini-masterpiece. Listen for the beautiful, elegant recorder solo instrumental in the middle of the song (sounds rather like a flute, eh?). I still get a lump in my throat....

Radio DAZZ: Produced by Douglas Castle
Douglas Castle
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