Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now - DAZZology -McFadden & Whitehead

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This song is pure, disco soul. Simple, with an unforgettable signature bassline and some early-stage synth drums. McFadden and Whitehead did something great with this recording. It is so wonderfully simple, yet so artfully, richly arranged, orchestrated and performed. You could hear it in every disco and juke joint (the few that were left, anyway) in my home state.

Back when my soul was whole, I would play this with some buddies, and we would jam on the three-chord pattern for fifteen to twenty minutes at a clip. We once jammed to this thing to the point of blisters and drenching sweat in Davey's basement (an obscure location in Long Island) to a capacity crowd of nine people, and I actually heard (through a third-party source the following day) that one of the girls thought I was handsome. God, that had me shining for a few days...little things used to mean so much.

This song was truly representative of its time, and a wonderful, confusing time in my life.

Let it get under your skin and encourage you. Click on the link, or on the mysterious, ephemeral YouTube video player. Did I hear "Amen?"

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