Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bill Withers - "It's A Lovely Day" - Hypnotize Yourself To Happiness.

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A fabulous inspired and inspiring song from Bill Withers, a 1970s sensation with such hits to his credit as "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" and "We All Need Somebody To Lean On." Bill Withers' soulful voice was a magnificent instrument. When he spoke -- he stuttered -- when he sang, his voice was clear and pure and true.

This song, in the key of E Major, is the perfect morning energizer. And as a fellow I once did some yard work with once said, "aint no man can hold a note like Bill Withers, son."

Listen for yourself, as Bill Withers brings up the morning sun and holds a note (an 'E') to resonate with your joy. Every day brings with it a chance at redemption. I'm still trying hard to get it right; but maybe one fine day I just might.

Crank up the bass. Pump up the volume. Relax in your most comfortable chair and click on the RadioDAZZ Blog Magic time machine:

"With RadioDAZZ music to unite us, we have very little time to fight about those little things that would divide us." - Douglas E. Castle

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*And a truly great observation and commentary (unedited for grammar and spelling... ), which made me feel like my little baby blog is sort of like a calling for me to share with the world (bless lollieboy29, the writer):

this song is just unexplainable , today , I think was the worst day in my entire life . But i come home and get on my pc , stumble upon this song and i forget every little care i ever had in my life , it is really a trance-inducing song that embues you with an aura of melodic energy ! Bill Withers is a true master of music.

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