Thursday, January 3, 2013

Robert Palmer - Mercy, Mercy Me - DAZZ Covers

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RadioDAZZ, and the study of DAZZ-O-LOGY ("dazzology" is okay as well).

While I am not generally a fan of artist' s covers of songs and generally prefer the original versions, Robert Palmer has done some wonderful originals and stunning covers of soul music.

My favorite DAZZ Cover of Robert Palmer's (Yep. He's the fellow who did "It Takes Every Kind Of People [to make the world go 'round]") is his version of Marvin Gaye's "Mercy, Mercy, Me" which segues right into "I Want You/ The Right Way" in the middle with seamless ease in a natural transition. That second song just gives me goose bumps -- it just never got the air play that it deserved.

Full orchestra (even some jazzy muted trumpets, poppy electric bass, and a wonderful chorus -- full and rich) and a great live performance on the old Arsenio Hall show.

The music isn't overproduced, the voice is not a freak show (a/k/a/ Michael Bolton), and the feel is gentle, soulful and very warm. I hope that you enjoy it.

You're just a click away from this true winner in the never-ending quest for ... DAZZ Covers

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The RadioDAZZ Blog

Secret Tags, Labels, Key Words, Search Terms And Lingovations: DAZZ Covers, Dazzlexia, Robert Palmer, Marvin Gaye, Arsenio Hall, soul music, I want You The Right Way, Mercy Mercy Me, DAZZ-O-LOGY, Douglas E. Castle

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