Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Will Ferrell Dances To "The Popcorn Song" - A Must See!

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My childhood friend, Jay Goldberg, who is now a college instructor as well as the author of a number of published works regarding topics ranging from entrepreneurship and business plans, to workforce readiness and operating a small business enterprise, sends me emails, daring me, goading me to post them on RadioDAZZ. 

Normally I politely protest, or simply forget that I have several friends and should share some enjoyable moments with them. Every so often, I remember.

In my first year of junior high school, I was involved with rock n' roll (the best guitarist within a two-three block radius), but was otherwise a geeky, frightened lad, who shied away from sports. With Jay's coaching, I made my first basket (the sports kind, not the kind that you weave) in Jay's backyard. It was one of the most important moments in my life.

So you see, I'm in his debt (although I would never put that in writing).

On a serious note, Jay has introduced me, over the years, to a tremendous catalog of music and artists. He is an impeccable discographer from the 1980s to the present day. He sent me this treasure for Dazzification (a Lingovation and a Moronym) just a day ago.

This video, hysterical as it is, reminds me of the way most of the guys I grew up with danced the Hustle. In order to avoid looking like Pinocchio, I opted for a vigorous, Village People-style calisthenics/martial arts stylized version -- in the late 1970s and 1980s this was actually good enough to get me by. Now I occasionally slip in the back door at Westchester Ballroom for a lesson [yep. Like the grownups. Be quiet about this.]

Will Ferrell does an incredibly starched-white, dead-pan version of the hustle (in four dimensions....well. kind of...) to one of the songs (pure repetitious, trite, electronic synth-music) which I believe should be banned from the Galaxy - The Popcorn Song.

I will confess: this video is a guilty pleasure and it had me laughing hysterically after the first 45 seconds or so. And I barely have a sense of humor.

Enjoy this absurdity by clicking on either the hyperlink or the video player* below! Jay D. Goldberg, Vince "Slap/Chop" Shlomi and RadioDAZZ present "WILL FERRELL DANCES TO THE POPCORN SONG." The song (if I may dignify it, was a worldwide sensation performed by the cleverly named one-hit wonder "Hot Butter."


*Nope. Nothing wrong with your browser or your feed. There is no video player posted. I'm really sorry. It was a mean prank. I'll never do it again.


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