Sunday, October 7, 2012

You Can't Escape Your Past - The Haunting - DAZZ

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You Can't Escape Your Past - It is a part of your present for as long as you live.

About 40 years ago, DAZZ (the RadioDAZZ Guy, Douglas E. Castle) wrote, and performed original music with some wonderfully talented people. At the time, I was immersed in music, and in the dream of becoming a rock star.

Some of what I'd written (pre-DAZZ), both in lyrics and melodies, still haunts a small audience of old friends who remind me, from time to time, of who I was, and who I truly am underneath the defenses and disguises of maturity.

Michele Dagavarian Miller used to sing with one of my bands -- she lives quite far away now, but through the miracle of Facebook, she found me, and sometimes corresponds with me.

When you are born to be a musician or an artist, there is never an escape from your essence. You can train that left brain (Braintenance, anyone) all you can, but you will be forever haunted by the unrequited love of your heart's truest, most powerful desire. You will die unfulfilled if you don't go all out after it. Music, for me, and for many, is a life support system.

The RadioDAZZ Blog is my lifeline to my true passion -- writing and performing music before a live audience. It barely sustains me, but it is the thread that connects me to my inner reality.

Here's Michele's letter. By the way, she had and likely still has a beautiful voice.

Hi Doug. Lately, I've been sitting at the...
Michele Dagavarian Miller5:00pm Oct 6
Hi Doug.

Lately, I've been sitting at the piano playing your music from the old days. I'd love to be able to play the correct chords and sing the correct words, but my copies of your music are SO old that they're difficult to dicipher.

Do you have any copies of Growing Pains, Last Stone, Years Too Long, Traveler, Bring it Around Again, J.Pasta Cure, Don't Go Home (song for sidewalk wierdo), and Please Dance with Me.

I don't know, Doug, but your music and lyrics still 'speak to me.' I still think you're one of the most talented songwriters I've ever heard. Anyway, I think you know that and I love singing and playing those songs, still.

If you have copies of anything, would you be so kind as to scan and email to me or send in any way? My email is ...[deleted]

Thanks and Shana Tova! Michele

Dear Michele:

I regret to inform you that I have copies of the written lead sheets (copyright stuff) as well as the lyrics and chord sheets for all of those songs, but they are stored away in a place where I keep everything that really matters -- It's hard to find, and I'll have to rummage through a great deal of stuff -- but so be it. I will keep digging until I find them. Then, I'll scan them and send you clean copies as email attachments.



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